• 2 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 1 Worksheet

  • 1 File

  • Welcome to IFS & TePeY!

  • Client Profile

  • Coaching Calls

  • Patent Pre-work

  • Understanding Your Patent Search Results

  • Dictionary of Terms

  • Unit 1 Welcome Resources

  • Success Habits: Why Time Blocking Works

  • Getting Clarity: Understanding Your Why

  • Setting A Powerful Mindset

  • Crafting Your Vision

  • New Patent Filing Process

  • Supporting Documents

  • Provisional Patent Filing - Step by Step Video

  • Unit 3 Patent Resources

  • Validate Your Idea

  • Your Value Proposition

  • Unit 4 Validation Resources

  • Elements of a Successful Product Design

  • Design & Engineering Tracks

  • Upwork - Your Connection to Designers and Engineers

  • Questions to Ask Before Hiring

  • Unit 5 Design Resources

  • Rapid Prototyping - Make It Yourself Using What You Have

  • Professional Prototyping - Hire a Professional via TePeY

  • Beta Testing and Iteration

  • Unit 6 Prototype and Test Resources

  • Our Manufacturing Philosophy and Why

  • Manufacturing Considerations

  • TePeY - Your Connection to Manufacturers and Supply Chain

  • #AskTheExpert - Sales with Tara Darnley

  • #AskTheExpert - Licensing with Andrew Krauss

  • #AskTheExpert - Pitching and Funding with Donteacia Seymore